Birthday celebrations plan

Hi gals,

Here is history behind “Birthday celebration” idea:
We ran a poll a while back seeing if you guys wanted to celebrate crew members birthday’s, to which the majority (that filled in the poll) agreed this would be a good idea but the point was raise that as we have nearly 365 members and we could be doing a party everyday. This was a bit of a sticking point…

Upon further thought we have decided to lump all the birthdays that happen in each month together, thus meaning we will have 1 party each month for all members born in that calendar month. Continue reading

Should we celebrate crew members birthdays?

We all like parties right?

Should we have a list of everyones birthday so we can have regular party playlist. You never know this might end up being a nightly thing considering we have nearly 300 members. Maybe it could be a reward to the reps as 35 would be much more manageable…