My Mixtapes

So I make mixtapes that I’d like to share with you.  But first let me say that if you are underage, this isn’t for you.  It’s filled with explicit and inappropriate content.  If you are of age and like rap, then this is especially for you.

Here’s a Google Drive link to 5 of my 11.

I’m working on fixing up the old ones to make them more presentable, eventually the whole catalogue will be in that folder. When there is demand, I speed up the supply; if not then I take my sweet time.  Just let me know if you want more.

Here’s a couple samples from the few tracks I’ve posted on YouTube (I quit adding songs there because sometimes I run into copyright issues).

A song

And a clip

I make them for my own amusement, and have only previously shared them with a few close friends irl.  I’m not what you might expect from a DJ, I don’t make party style mixes, meaning a series of songs that blend from one to the next continuously.  I take a whole song and an instrumental and mix them together.  It’s more about the songs themselves than my skills.  I also place movie and comedy clips over instrumentals for intros/outros/ interludes.  Each album is based on a theme, and some tell a story.  All are meant to flow from beginning to end.

Everything is referenced somehow in the track titles.  The real artistry is from the original creators of the material, I just like to play with how things can go together.  The material ranges from stuff I grew up on to stuff that has come out as recently as last month.

I find this place a great outlet to share my work because we are all known simply by our GTA identities- and GTA is as inappropriate as anything I’m putting together, so this seems fitting lol.  Due to the explicit nature of my mixes I don’t want them linked to me personally.  But i do want to share them because I really like them and think others might want to hear them, too.  Nothing is for sale, this is not to promote myself, I’m just sharing.  Hope you enjoy, and I would love to hear your feedback through your comments below or on Social Club- I’m KimBianca.

Halloween Mood Music – Nine Inch Nails – The Perfect Drug

Industrial legend goes gothic…

Taken from the soundtrack of the fabulously odd David Lynch film ‘Lost Highway’, this song is a bit of curio even for NIN fans. Written exclusively for the film in a very short space of time, Trent Reznor decided to experiment with different sounds and styles for this particular track. As such it’s not quite what you’d expect from the band and that’s probably why I like it. Unfortunately there is not one good version of the vid on YouTube and this one actually cuts off the lush piano outro. However it’s still an interesting song and no doubt if you wanna here the complete song you can find it with ease on the interwebz.

I picked this song really for the video which is full of brilliant gothic imagery and things that could have come straight out of an Edgar Allen Poe piece. It’s very creepy and actually quite sad if you pay attention to the story the video is telling. I think that’s another reason why I like it because music videos should always be more than just an excuse for good looking boys and girls to throw shapes in an imaginary nightclub while flash cars do doughnuts in the car park…holy shit I just described an average night out with ‘The Riot’  in Los Santos : P

Anywho, enjoy. And for all of you Twin Peaks fans out there, one last curio. The script for Lost Highway was derived from David Lynch’s plans for Audrey Horne if a third season of the show was commissioned. Eat that Scoob : P


a.k.a ‘The Commish’

Halloween Mood Music – Aphex Twin – Windowlicker

Today’s tune of terror comes from one of my musical heroes – Richard D James who is better known as the Aphex Twin.

The song Windowlicker will be very familiar to everyone who plays GTA Online as it appears on the playlist for radio station – Flylo FM (the weird one that Molly moans about)

Directed by British video auteur Chris Cunningham, who’s work I will be focusing on a lot this week, Windowlicker is not scary in the usual spooky Halloween sense, neither is it in any way gory. In fact the first few minutes play out like a cross between your typical 90’s RnB cliche ridden fodder and a live action version of GTA San Andreas. However its when you get to the twist that the nightmare begins.

I won’t give you any more spoilers as I want you to experience the sheer bizarre twisted brilliance of this work of art to maximum effect.

Pleasant dreams ;-P

Halloween Mood Music – Cradle of Filth – From The Cradle To Enslave

How better to start off the week of Hallows Eve than with a song from a band for whom every day is night!

Cradle of Filth aren’t really my cup of tea, I’m not really into Heavy Metal. However I find this video very entertaining at this time of year.
Its gory as hell and somehow got passed the censors at both MTV and YouTube presumably coz they couldn’t be bothered to sit through four and a half minutes of loud screaming quasi-Black Metal.
Directed by low budget British horror director – Alex Chandon, From Cradle To Enslave is a barrage of creepy visuals that doth their cap to Clive Barker’s Nightbreed while at the same time turning the volume up to eleven in both rock and gore terms.

Best served with a bottle of Chianti but go spare on the Fava beans!!!

Tunez – Kate Bush

I like a lot of bands, and I mean a LOT of bands, so it’s hard for one to really stand out and be my absolute favourite. especially if it’s ‘just’ an artist.

I think what makes Kate Bush’s music so great is that she adds a a certain theatrical element that’s unseen in the pop genre. Her movements and facial expressions go together with her whimsical voice so congruently, she’ll gently scoop you up and make you float away
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