PS3 – Halloween Spooktacular – Final update

I was working in the lab, late one night; when my eyes beheld an eerie sight; for my monster from his slab, began to rise; and suddenly to my surprise…

By now all you ghoulish creatures will hopefully have had a chance to have read my last article on how the party will work? If not please make sure you have read it and understood it m’kaaaaay?

It’s really straight forward  but if you’ve not read it, I will know and I will find you and bury you in the desert where no-one will ever find you… Continue reading

Halloween Mood Music – Aphex Twin – Windowlicker

Today’s tune of terror comes from one of my musical heroes – Richard D James who is better known as the Aphex Twin.

The song Windowlicker will be very familiar to everyone who plays GTA Online as it appears on the playlist for radio station – Flylo FM (the weird one that Molly moans about)

Directed by British video auteur Chris Cunningham, who’s work I will be focusing on a lot this week, Windowlicker is not scary in the usual spooky Halloween sense, neither is it in any way gory. In fact the first few minutes play out like a cross between your typical 90’s RnB cliche ridden fodder and a live action version of GTA San Andreas. However its when you get to the twist that the nightmare begins.

I won’t give you any more spoilers as I want you to experience the sheer bizarre twisted brilliance of this work of art to maximum effect.

Pleasant dreams ;-P

A curious tale of folly, bush craft and the rudimentary principles of flight

Blondie comeback

So… I’m back! You missed me?

I’ve been out of the loop for over three months more or less and so much has changed in that time that it made me wonder if anybody would remember me? Have you forgotten me? Please say you haven’t. I’m Blondie…the Commish? You know…the kooky, crazy, hottie with a penchant for vehicular mayhem?

Regardless of whether you knew me from before or have only just met me, I’d like to think we’re gonna get on even if it means me plying you with booze and showing you a good time at Bahama Mamas. The good news for everybody is that I’m b.a.c.k… BACK… and I have no plans of going away again anytime soon. Promise!!! Continue reading

RAT best of 3 happening tonight


Ok gals, well members of RAT. I need you to change crew from PUSS to RATS. Then get changed into your battle dress for tonights best of 3.

Also, meet me in my closed crew session. Try and aim for 9:30. Remember i need 8 of you or I have to step into someones shoes, which aint going to be pretty. Maybe get on early and practice some DM’s. Continue reading

It’s a family affair!


It was a proud moment for me the other day…

No, I didn’t manage to win a race, you cheeky swine. I logged on to Rockstar Social (not the proud moment in question, keep reading) and ‘The Boss’ had posted that we’d reached one hundred and fifty members! I couldn’t help but smile at that because since I’d joined, the crew had almost doubled in size! That’s quite an achievement in itself but, what really made me proud was how much we’d grown in to a real community.  Continue reading